AR Poetry experience


Maria-Anna van den Tempel came into possession of Horst Castle by chance. Owning the castle gave her the opportunity to fully develop her status. As Countess of Haultreppe and Essenbeek, she certainly already had some status, she also had the necessary connections within the Brussels court nobility, but because of the work she had carried out at the castle, she seized the opportunity to move up the social ladder to stand. It was Maria-Anna who had the castle adapted to the standards and comfort of the 17th century. Characteristic of Maria-Anne is the fact that she herself spent very little time effectively in the castle. Much of the work and maintenance of the castle was coordinated by its steward, Wilhelm Piret. At the time of Maria Anna, the castle was really a small company where everyone had their own task and where everything could be immediately prepared if necessary to receive Maria-Anna and her high visit.

There are many fascinating stories in it, such as the story of the castle staff who were ready day and night for the castle lady who only sporadically spent time in the castle.

When the visitor is in the outer zone of the castle, he can look around by means of an Augmented Reality application. In the virtual world, the visitor can see how the garden staff maintain the garden. The tasks of the staff play out in an infinite loop.

​This is a metaphorical reference to the fact that the staff always made sure the castle looked immaculate and the work never stopped, but that Maria-Anna, the lady of the castle in question, has only stayed at the castle a few times. To reinforce the experience, a matching poem is read.​

De tijd tikt voorbij

Het gras met de zeis mee

Een vers gewassen lei

De tijd vult de zee

Als een tempel

Staat het vol

Maar zonder ziel

Wachtend op nihil

Iedereen wacht

Een kasteel vol

Terug elke nacht

voor een kasteel leeg

En plots is ze daar

Leven is terug

En weer is ze klaar

Terug weg zo vlug


Is het door pijn?

Willen een ander zijn?



– Gaël Vanhalst –

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Today's heritage visitor is looking for unique experiences. To shape these experiences, strong stories and technological innovation are essential. However,...