Media XR & 5G

The objective of the Media XR and 5G project is to introduce Flemish media companies (TV, radio, print, online), XR and advertising agencies, event organizers and telecom operators to the possibilities of new XR content ( “extended reality”) and advertising and cross-media formats made possible thanks to 5G. The 3-year project proposal (2023-2025) thus responds to the strong changes in the consumption behavior of media users, especially among young people (generation Z) and new media audiences. After all, various media companies want to rejuvenate and expand the viewership, which is why it is important to appeal to Gen Z through, among other things, formats that use new digital technologies.

Over the past decade, the digitalization of the media landscape has continued at a rapid pace. We not only watch linear television at home, we consume media non-linearly – anytime, anywhere – via online video and streaming. According to a large-scale survey by AP among 908 Flemish people (Heirman, 2020), the Flemish viewer is now also ready for the next step: Extended Reality (XR) in the media. A similar digital evolution occurred within print media. Flemish media players today face major challenges, such as declining advertising revenues and maintaining viewing figures or subscribers (PUB, 2021).

“How can traditional media players expand and connect their target audience through new forms of media content and advertising and cross-media formats that arise thanks to eXtended Reality (XR)?” In the Testing Ground we develop new forms of XR that until now could only be experienced on powerful computers at a fixed location. Thanks to 5G networks, heavier and more evocative XR content can be distributed with low latency to audiences in various settings and locations.

The innovation goal is split into 3 measurable objectives:

  1. Radar function: We bundle information about XR and 5G for media (including possibilities, barriers, cybersecurity, international XR cases that demonstrate added value of 5G within media).

  2. Advisory function: We are the point of contact for questions regarding media XR/5G and fulfill a matchmaking function between media companies, XR and advertising agencies, event organizers and telecom operators.

  3. Inspiration function: Together with the guidance group, we develop 5 documented business cases, tailored to the local needs of our Flemish media players.

Visit the Media XR & 5G project website here:


Online Webinar: Exploring the intersection of 5G and media innovation

Step into the forefront of innovation with this webinar hosted by the Media XR and 5G Living Lab Project, a collaborative effort between Howest and AP University of Applied Sciences, funded by Flanders innovation & entrepreneurship – VLAIO. Our aim? To showcase the possibilities of new XR content, advertising, and cross-media formats enabled by 5G technology to Flemish (sport) media companies, XR and advertising agencies, event organizers, and telecom operators. Join us and our 5G-expert guest speakers as we explore the convergence of XR and 5G, opening doors to avenues of creativity and connectivity.

WebAR 101 by Niantic 8th Wall

In The Pocket, Ghent, Belgium
This is a 5-hour workshop hosted by Niantic and our partners Stijn Spanhove and In the Pocket. During the workshop – Participants will learn about the 8th Wall platform, build and customize an 8th Wall project, and meet other local developers. By the end of the workshop, you will learn how to create, customize, test and deploy your own World Effects (SLAM) sample project that looks believable and immersive in the real-world. You will also learn how to easily add modules to their project and other 8th Wall features such as Shared AR Multiplayer, Payments API, and more.

The maturity of 5G: Is it time to talk about 6G?

As the maturity of 5G looms large, the question arises: Is it time to talk about 6G? This event will dive deep into the transformative potential of digital connectivity in live broadcasting and streaming. In this session, industry pioneers will discuss the dynamic landscape of content production and distribution, propelled by 5G technology. What is the potential of connective technology to deliver new experiences to consumers and to transform existing workflows?