
The Flemish coast has a long and complex history. The modern landscape is the result of the interaction between both natural processes and human interventions. Although research into the history of this region has already provided us with a lot of information, many detailed questions still remain, for example, exactly how the coastline evolved over the past 5000 years.

"5000 years of coastal evolution"

The main objective of the Testerep project is studying the evolution and eventual demise of the Testerep peninsula over the past 5,000 years. To this end, researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and KU Leuven will supplement existing data on old natural (e.g. tidal gullies) and human (e.g. dikes) landscape features with both new terrestrial and marine data

With the use of a wide variety of techniques, including LiDAR, seismic, magnetic and EMI surveys, coring, excavating and sampling for pollen, 14C and OSL, they will acquire new data across the land-sea boundary.

All existing and new data will be integrated in a GIS database and analyzed using morphological and hydrodynamic models. The final output will consist of palaeogeographic maps, advanced 3D reconstructions and interactive 3D simulations of, among other things, the formation of the peninsula and the effect of the closure of the Testerep channel on sediment transport along the coast, its vulnerability to storm erosion and recovery.

Visit the Testerep project website here:


VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024

De Grote Post, Oostende, Belgium
This year’s VLIZ Marine Science Day dedicated to the EU Mission Ocean and framed withing the Belgian EU Presidency and the UN Ocean Decade. This edition of the VLIZ Marine Science Day will be a very special one, as VMSD 2024 formally frames the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union. This European and international dimension is reflected in the overarching themes of the day: this edition will be firmly rooted in the EU Mission Ocean and the global perspective of the UN Ocean Decade. Renowned personalities such as Mission Ocean co-lead John Bell and esteemed diver-explorer Paul Rose will deliver keynote speeches, setting the stage for a diverse program encompassing interactive sessions, presentations, and poster sessions. Covering a wide spectrum of topics – from marine biology to cutting-edge marine technology and policy – interactive and immersive sessions will offer valuable insights and foster meaningful exchanges. Participants from academia, government agencies, non-profit organizations, industry, and the public sector will have ample opportunities to engage, learn, and contribute to the goals of Mission Ocean and the UN Ocean Decade.

Everything Procedural 2023

Breda University, The Netherlands
Breda University of Applied Sciences is the host of the Everything Procedural Conference. An event for a variety of lectures, talks, demonstrations and masterclasses in the field of procedural content generation for games on our beautiful campus. The event offers many opportunities to meet and share knowledge with fellow developers. The first Everything Procedural Conference took place in 2016. In the years since we have gained strong recognition as a leading conference in the field of procedural content for games.